Saturday, September 09, 2006

God writes straight with crooked lines .....

Today is September 8, Mama Mary's birthday. :)

I was moved by one the reading reflections that my friend forwarded me today. This was really true :

God writes straight with crooked lines. His will is sovereign and always gets accomplished, eventually, one way or another.

It is true that Jesus came from a "not so perfect" family. In fact, the biblical names mentioned where he is rooted are those that is known to be sinners, robbers, etc..
And yet, God choses this genealogical line to save mankind--to protect His people. And through Mary and Joseph, God's plan came into reality.

Really, God writes our history. In our twisted lives, there sprung forth goodness and achievements. In the middle of crisis and weaknesses, God shows His might and power.

We may all be looking forward for having an ideal life -- a perfect family..Dreaming of that is good. But we should remember that we can't all have such kind of life. There would always be imperfections. We are created differently, unique, and with very specific history. And whatever our history is, eventough we think that its the worst history ever written--it is good and best for us. We may not know it at first, but God will reveal the goodness in it eventually, if there's acceptance from us.

God is always good. No doubt.. I can attest to that.......

Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!!!
May all of us have a great weekend!

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