Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just around San Jose

Been here in the US for 2 months..Wheewww..I remember my last time here, that my friends and I always planned for a weekend getaway..Four hours off the road, with all the maps, snacks..etc...and at long weekends making long trips going to another state..10 -14 hours just driving..??!cool..That was fun!!..
But when I came back, I just realized that there are many places just around the place where I stayed that I've never been to. So, I'm gonna share to you some pictures on some places where my friends hang out on weekends.......just around San Jose.

Winchester Mystery House - Winshester Blvd-just across Stevens Creek

This house is a 160 room mansion that Mrs. Winchester, the heiress of the Winchester rifle fortune, lived in. In 1884, the wealthy widow named Sarah L. Winchester began a construction project of such magnitude that it was to occupy the lives of carpenters and craftsmen until her death thirty-eight years later.
She had such a fear of the spirits of those killed by the Winchester rifle that she created a very unique house. She had a fascination with the number 13 and never slept in the same bedroom 2 nights in a row. Some of the bizarre features are doors and windows opening onto blank walls: a staircase from the floor to the ceiling: a door opening outward to an 8 foot drop off: glass floors: a room you can go into but not out of the same door. [Patti, 07/13/2001]

Me and Piyu

with my Analog colleagues

Mt.Hamilton- Lick Observatory

The University of California's Lick Observatory, located in the Diablo Range east of San Jose, California, has a long and fascinating history. The legacy of the eccentric California millionaire James Lick, the Observatory was founded in 1888 and has been part of the University of California ever since. Lick Observatory has grown to keep pace with the changing demands of astronomy, and, after more than a century of operation, remains among the most productive research observatories in the world. (

It was also funny when learned from the tour guide that James Lick previously owned a place over in San Jose that is used to be a flower mill. and you know what ???!!! that was Lick Mill !!!! now that explains why it was called such... It is the place where we stayed!!what a coincidence.!!

the 120" telescope (huge!!) - the automated telescope so far the observatory had

A view from the observatory; the whole of San Jose.

NASA AMES Exploration Center- Moffet Field

Located ay the main gate of the NASA Ames at Moffet Field just off US101, the NASA exploration center offers a view of outer space experience. The facility boasts the largest Immersive Theater on the West Coast. The theater presents panoramic views of Mars and Saturn's rings as well as other eye-popping movies and special effects on a curved 40 foot wide screen. Content includes a true-color panorama taken by the rover Spirit of the "Cahokia" site on the Columbia Hills and images taken by the Cassini mission of Saturn can be viewed on the large screen. Some of the alien images are seen at twice the resolution of high definition television. (

my new weight!! (surprise!!) ..thanks to Yoga!! (just kidding!)
Now you have the idea how much do I weigh..(waaahh!!)

Rommel , Cherry and me.

The places are just a few minutes drive from our place..of course..except for the Lick Obervatory.(its only ~14 miles as per map, but the road is long and winding).It takes us about 50 minutes to go up....I do enjoyed the weekend...--see?! It really doesn't need long drive to go to good places,huh?!

May all of us have a good week ahead!! =)

Friday, August 18, 2006


Two weeks ago, a health fair was launched at ADSiv--and it was really a fun activity..Actually, Dale just invited me...thanks to Dale.....I actually dont know anything about it at first..I just knew there are free snacks !!(hahah!) I came ..(just kidding)....
Well fortunately, aside from several health services booths, there are also goodies given free of charge as well as a raffle draw..You just need to fill up the form, and go to booths, have your form signed by the representatives, and when you have 10 signed boxes on your forms!that's it! you are qualified to join the raffle!!haah!!
Now the most exciting part. ...heheh..The winners are announced through email, but I was not included in the mailing list..hehe.he...How will I know if I won or not??!!! Thanks to Cris, for bringing the good news to me....hhaah!!
So.....I won...this....( I bet most of you will laugh knowing what I got!heheh)
introducing.......tsararannnn.......(fireworks, please!!!)

I got the complete YOGA kit!!! yehey!!
So what's inside???

A book, a DVD, and a YOGA mat!!! hahahah!!

Now I'm ready to start!!!.

Welcome to the YOGA class!!!!
May you all have a great weekend!!!