Today officially removes my age in the calendar BUT luckily, enrolment in the lotto numbers.. nyahahaha..It's my birthday today, July 15!yahoo!
I'm making a post on this blogsite before 12midnight, as I would like to thank all the people who are really part of my life...I hoped I can list them all before I fell asleep:)
Yesterday I received an advance greeting through email from a friend abroad with a very touching message :). Somebody sent a text message at 12midnight of July 15 ( the first who greeted this day) and my phone inbox was full today with all the warm greetings from my friends. My family had given me a breakfast greeting of "happy birthday". I attended the morning mass and God enlightened me through the life of St. Bonaventure (feast today) who makes use of his talents and efforts in serving God. My TYOC friends came to the house later today for dinner and we exchange "chats" and "laughs" that we missed when most of us are not around.
Ahhh!! what a day!!I'm really blessed to be sorrounded by wonderful people:)
At my age, where I felt that "this is it... i'm getting old.. no turning back...", I'm really thankful that I have experienced different facets of life -- rejections, persecutions, triumph, failures, successes-- that I get hold of all these events so I continue to grow. Life is not about age, --life is not planning either-- life is like our taste buds... might be bitter..might be sweet.. or sour sometimes.. ..But that's the way it is.. The most important thing is that there is a recognition of what it is.. define it.. accept it... learn from it... live to its purpose.
I thank God for this life.. for the gift of family, friends, officemates, community..I thank Him for everything. My only wish for my 32nd birthday is that God may grant me the gift of touching people's lives.. That I may live to the real purpose of my existence.
Happy birthday to me !!!